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Monday, September 27, 2010Y
Silent MODE

I always on "silent mode" infront my parents when they're yelling toward me,I didn't like to make so much of explanation ,even sometime I really did it, but at the end, they won, especially my mother,the communication between a mother to her children was just like war game, keep on fighting each other, in their opinion , they place their son into a "unmature" mode, which the action I did everytime was always wrong in their mind, example, the very first time i started this industry,I was put all out to gain the income,went out from morning until midnight, that was my real experience, but,the mother told me that why you always work so late and being so tough for what? I didn't explain so much since those word coming out from my mouth will just a arguement for them, and I realized that recently when I'm back to home on evening time 5-7pm, she comes out another word : isn't your business drop? why back so early? ........ see? when I go back early she said this, when I back late then she said that ! then what you want me to do? dun back this home lo.. , nia ma... my market area located at klang, sure I come back and have my dinner la.. speechless..

9/27/2010 06:26:00 PM Photobucket
Saturday, September 18, 2010Y

这次用华语来写,是机缘巧合吗?遇到他,活了十九年,他令我在这十九年要做一个最难抉择的决定,我是一个看大方向的人,不管在什么时候,我会以本身,和我的组织,衡量,尽量做到双赢。 其实,难;在现在的组织,半年的时间,不长不短,不过我可以说经历丰厚,一个人的孤军作战,到和其他组织一起搞Meeting, 我,在里面扮演的是他们(组织)的生招牌,为何?只因短短半年就买了人生中第一辆BMW,而且是19岁的小伙子, 因此站在利益角度上来谈, 其他借用我名字的Leader,加强了Recruiting,站在我的角度,有学到很多组织上的领导,自己Organize Meeting,做决定,搞游戏,当MC,一直上台分享和激励,不过就是事事被人牵着走,因为我的阿头,并不能给与很多协助,连我的Agent 都说他给太多自由(就是不管他们),Leader Expect Direct 的 会自己去管 Indirect, Personal Sale 作不多,一直说忙增员,结果我在半年里看不到我阿头Direct 10个人 以上的新面孔。 何其壮观,重点是他一年的Direct业绩, 我占了 70% ! 。。。。无言, 很多时候我站在组织的利益着想时,他却叫我站在 他 的利益着想,跟他自己的 Direct AM 站在同一个阵线,结果就搞垮/解散这个Team。 我有一个女Agent 跟了我两个月向我埋怨,我不喜欢这样的Politic 问题和环境。 我何尝不是,这半年,Cold Call RoadShow 陌生市场什么都做,单枪匹马样样行,因为我踏进这一行开始,被很多人看死,说我一定会后悔走这条路, 很不错的我用这半年时间的成就 堵住了他们的嘴巴, 也因为这样,我想谢谢他们的指指点点,没有你们,就没有今天的我, 还有一开始Support 我的 顾客, 我永远都记住当时第一单签回来的 保费 Rm21005.28, 前后 Follow 5 次 才成交,Commision 12.5% ... 那时对我来说没有想那么多,反正有生意就一直做, Commision 高低我那时没有那么在意, 不过我也曾经试过躲着一个人哭,有时候真的毫无方向,很无助,像Norman 说的驾车上路,根本不知道要转左还是转右。。。 但是我一拼起来,可以从早到晚不断找顾客, 纵使三餐都吃面包,外表的风光,背后总是夹着无数的血汗与奋斗。。 记得加入的头一个月,我连过Toll 的钱 都要用弟弟扑满的零用钱,一分一角的算好,免得没有钱来回。。 谁叫我当时翅膀硬, 妈妈本来就没有给我零用钱, 我之前打工的钱也用完了,叫我跟家人讨钱我绝对不会那么做,不然就给他们看贬我进入这行。。。 回想起还真是哭笑不得,因为我这个人就是这样, 我认为 Nothing is impossible,except difficult, 其实是先例的问题, 因为就好像美国的 OBAMA, 之前美国的历任总统从来都没有出现过黑人总统,所以很多人都不看好Obama, 到他当上美国总统后,全世界来了一个大转变,就因为Obama 打破了这个先例, 所以有迹可寻,所以很多黑人会开始参政,那么是不是我们就要做过后的那些?难道 不可以自己打破先例吗? 19岁 没有人驾BMW, 就由我来驾,十九岁没有人在寿险作 MDRT, 就由我来破! 也因为这样,我不喜欢输的感觉,就是渴望赢,而且要赢得彻底, Form 5 的时候就是这样,记得Form5 升Form 6 (独中) 我和家人要求自己要搬出去住,学会独立 ,结果当众被讲,眼泪差点飙出来。。。 她说了那句:你搬出去成绩一定掉,而且只会到处游荡! 在我Form5 最后一次家长领取成绩册时他在老师和很多学生面前说了这句, 过后我的班导师还 加油添酱,劝我不要 , 结果我还是执意搬了出去,在Form6 的统考成绩打出了漂亮的 成绩,证明了他们当初的责备。 不过我知道出发点是好的,但我还是那句,Never Try Never Know, Do not always judge a person when you didn't know how far can he achieve.
说了一堆废话, 到底和这个标题有什么关系? Norman 问我如果我在现在这样的环境也能做到不错,那么在一个更好的环境是不是可以倍增实力? 这句话我想了很久, 我也在昨天跑去买了蔡总的 书《做MDRT不能不知道的十件事》来看,还有Norman 送的一亿人生,一口气看完后,我有股冲动向马上打给Norman,哈哈。。。不过电话忘记付钱,被停止服务,今天才弄好。给过他还快过我打 来, 好吧,终于下了决定。

谢谢我现在的阿头,虽然我对他评价不大,没有很多的不好, 但是也没有很多的好,就是感谢他带我认识这个行业,自行摸索,还有常常请吃饭。欠你的一定会还。

人生第一篇写那么长 -.- To be Continue !

9/18/2010 09:42:00 AM Photobucket
Wednesday, July 14, 2010Y
Letter of Commitment (self)

When you're commited something , you must take action to do it, orelse your commitment will make you die soon, because it all about the money, a materialsm world, we are talking about money, everyone desire to earn income fast but how? and everyone deserve to enjoy the glamorous, Best lifestlye, but HOW? I think even you had read a book which call SECRET also won't help you to achieve with just imagine, Trust that every thing come with one action , and the action will bring out a RESULT, so please remind yourself(me) , never try never know, you had done nothing yet in the new financial kick off, shouldn't be that way right, your experience and mind set is clearly than other, but you lack of action, even though sometime the accuracy of action is almost 90% , but activities are always the best way to enlarge your market, you know how to cope well all the pressure, all the bad situation, read unlimited times of book to know more, but seem like is not equivalent to your standard? isn't you can do more better? you can achieve more higher? how many days actually you use to focus on your job per week? or should I say do you use 8 hour as salary owner's working hour to build your business? No doubt that no... clap for yourself, if this circumstance still remain 1 month or more , I guarantee that you will die very fast ,and what you have achieve last time will just become history , so faster wake up, the past isn't a barrier, you can perform well, all you need to do is action ! action ! and try ! try ! try !

7/14/2010 11:50:00 PM Photobucket
Saturday, May 15, 2010Y

5/15/2010 11:12:00 PM Photobucket
Thursday, April 29, 2010Y

Verging on a breakdown, told myself to calm down, it wasn't a death way yet, stressfull being given by self is a motivation to improve,to achieve. not become depress, dream badly for few days..

4/29/2010 11:10:00 AM Photobucket
Sunday, April 18, 2010Y

Day by day, my commitment keep on increased,I need to cope my time well and hope to have my own time,for myself and for my dearest, it's really tied me up ... I'm lack of time to watch movie,shopping,go out with last time buddies, if have time also accompany the most important person first... actually I'm really tired ,not even my healthy status and also my mental... why I want to make myself feel so stressful, but all of this bring me a motivation, I want to reach the unreachable ! , I want to be the first and be the fasters within everyone, but sometimes it brought me advantages and disadvantage, but it's doesn't matter, when I made a decision to give up my study and choose this industry, I just have 1 goal for myself, I must success and won't let those people who biase me before have a chance to critism me again, because I will prove their so call 'Knowledge" is just their opinion, they can't achieve not means that I ,GanYeeMing cannot, I always trust that I'm eligible to be the one who will success in the end, and will be the fast ever, for me, I'm compete 'ing' with nothing,but TIME, I sacrified the chance to enjoy a college life, but I think i have swap alot of knowledge and experience which really can't get from college,and even better than it, the pratical experience that I'm Desire...the income that I gain myself, an 18 years teenager can be very independent and have their own planning, I guess that some people still crapping in college and know nothing , just know beg money from their parent.. Ok.. stopped writing.. conclusion as my company slogan, I will achieve my goal with double in three , triple in five !

4/18/2010 12:55:00 AM Photobucket
Thursday, April 1, 2010Y

最近过得很好,很充实,因为越来越看到“钱”途(不是贪钱,势利眼而是本人就是那么现实,因为这个世界上没有爱情饮水饱或亲情换免费,我只知道钱可以带来更多选择的权利,和自由的空间) 不过,还是那一句,选择了这样,就预算要放弃掉另一样的代价(机会成本)。在我想法,没有两全其美,或者十全十美,因为人无法兼顾那么多,如果是的话,就表示你不专注,到头来,是两头不到岸,也就是半桶水! (现代的马来西亚人就是如此,看回一些人,看他们样子不是很有钱,但是也不是那种没有钱,即是刚刚好过得去生活的那种人,占90% ,因为他们兼顾太多东西,要照顾这个,要养那个,供这个。。 所以咯。。。~~)

4/01/2010 10:34:00 PM Photobucket
Saturday, March 27, 2010Y





3/27/2010 09:41:00 AM Photobucket
Friday, March 19, 2010Y

Full Time= Fool Around the Time ...

近一个月,一直在看书,尤其是奸的好人系列1-6 ,希望能从中学到一些,懂得一些,了解多一些,找到一些。。。
药? 身边很多朋友,都去读书了(废话,都什么时候了,不读书能做什么) ,在我心中,读书很好,因为我很喜欢吸收新的知识,只要是有用的。虽然看到不少未来大学生在开始的时候都抱怨很多Assignment 要做,很忙, 不过那个才叫大学生活, 还有些上了大学/学院(注:其实在外国,有些国家把大学译成学院,其实没差别)才开始修英文, 赠你们一句话--千金难买早知道,高中时英文课不好好上,之前的短暂快乐换来现在痛苦的学习。。(本人正在落井下石也)
但是讲回本身,自己更犯贱,IELTS 和 统考成绩考得很理想, 却不去读大学。。 哈哈。。不过我要感谢自己的不听话,因为自我,所以选择走这条路,不顾家人的反对,抗议,坚持的不听话, 外来人(注:长辈或者是一些总是抢第一要当顾问,不断给你一大堆意见的人),感谢你们,让我看到你们身上人性的丑恶(注:为何那么说:因为自己的认为,加上有一个和我同一阵线的作家,思想是同一派的,让我更加肯定)。 这条路,原本还有一个人和我一起走,不过他支持不住,走掉了, 回到普通家的生活(注:普通家--大部分的人都做大部份人所做的大部分事情)。 剩下我一个,万事起头难,我起了这个头,就要走下去,最近就是遇到瓶颈,身心很累,(工作关系,但没有怨言,因为享受), 问题到底是什么,其实不懂(注:一个人会去找心理辅导师跟他说他有问题, 那个人其实不知道自己的问题是什么,因为如果你知道了为什么不能解决, 证明了连自己都不知道问题到底是什么, 才需要辅导师慢慢引导)。

最后,想到一句谚语,自己加以修改,变成这篇的标题。 =)

3/19/2010 01:27:00 PM Photobucket
Tuesday, March 16, 2010Y







3/16/2010 10:25:00 PM Photobucket